Shari Billger

"Love is all there is,
ever was,
or ever will be."

Shari 1994

Finding Your Life Purpose

Your Path To Soul Realization and True Freedom

It is with great soul excitement that I share my new trinity of work with you which is a combination of Human Design, DNA Resetting coupled with the unlocking of the wisdom hidden in your 64 codons to create the trinity. Our Universe works in triplets. For example: The Harmonic Convergence August 1987 (Human Design born Jan. 1987), 2012 and 2027 all form a triplet of events that has paved the way for mankind’s true self to unfold.

Note: I minimally recommend getting a one to two hour reading on your Human Design chart and also a reading on your Incarnation Cross which is 70% of your life’s purpose.


I heard the words Sacred Geometry (the language in which God has written the Universe) to which I replied “what is that.” Within one and one half weeks I was clearly guided to start watching bootleg videos by Drunvalo Melchizedek which led to my being trained in England in June of that year as a Flower of Life Facilitator.

The Flower of Life Symbol has been found all over the world. I have personally taken pictures of it on walls in Abydos (one of the Egyptian temples in Egypt). Flower of Life was the vehicle that created an ungoing sequence of invitations for me to teach globally. I am forever grateful for the soul-growth opportunities provided and the many gifts and the incredibly beautiful souls I have met along the way. They have been my teachers! Ha, and they thought I was the teacher 🙂


While teaching in Ibiza Spain I started learning Human Design. The collective knowledge of various human cultures is interlaced into one system in Human Design. It is a true synthesis, a mutation of consciousness itself. It is a personal blueprint of how you designed yourself to be. Ra, the originator lived in Ibiza until his passing three years ago. Many of the people living there lived by Human Design and its teachings.


By 2006 I had received my certification to teach and do charts. I knew I needed to teach the classes from my guided perspective.

The I-Ching part of Human Design is a literal stringing out of your DNA. By using one’s Human Design chart we can now provide a blueprint/instructions as to how each of us can move from the shadow of each of these 64 codons into the gift and finally the Siddhi (Enlightenment) This will reveal your true PURPOSE during this incarnation

As your facilitator I can assist you on many levels using various healing modalities as you heal, grow and move along the trajectory of the life you were truly born to live!

As you apply these teachings, you may feel an aliveness, a security, a knowing and a confidence you have only experienced in moments. Until we are aware of the shadows hidden in each of the codons it is impossible to unlock the gifts and ultimately the Siddhis. The embodiment of your gifts and the Siddhis is where your ability to live in joy and love resides, the ability to live your purpose, the life you were born to live.

Module Number 1 – Your Prime Gifts and Purpose

This is where you will discover your four prime gifts, your genius which represents 70% of your purpose. They are the mythical journey that is the essence of your life.

Module Number 2 – Opening Your Heart Through Relationships

An extraordinary journey into the genetic currents that shaped you in the womb and the karmic forces released at the moment of conception. You will see how many aspects of your higher nature were shut down while you were very young ultimately bringing about a deep expression of your core essence.

Module Number 3 – Releasing Your Prosperity

This module represents the harvest of your expansion through the first two modules. Enjoy the release from false identification with ancestral wounding and be empowered by a new sense of your own genius. Each of us is born with our own unique genius. This module brings you into contact with those people, cultures, places and dimensions that are required in order for you to fulfill your destiny.

I invite you into a deeply personal voyage. As we journey together we will unlock doorways of awakening inside you. I now offer this to you as your facilitator in unraveling and revealing all of the wisdom contained within your very own DNA.

Makooa, (Lakota Sioux for A Piece of my Heart)
